Saturday, September 24, 2016

How Conservatives Won History but Lost Philosophy

The debate is coming this Monday and I can't wait. It has the feel of a super hero versus super villain fight. But when I reflect on it - it really isn't a debate. Conservatism has triumphed through the eons and has won History. After the fall of the Berlin wall the only mega-global philosophy that was still standing was conservatism. Articulated and acted on by Reagan it exhausted the socialist empire which collapsed like Ivan Drago in Rocky IV.

It shouldn't have surprised anyone, looking back, because conservatism is simply empirically observing what works and doesn't work in societies through human history and applying or avoiding those principles to the current society.  Unless human nature changed (the dependent variable) then the independent variables of liberty, rule of law, limited government, capitalism would inexorably be distilled as principles which strengthen society. If for example, it had been found that say liberty was not a societal strength or preference of people or that socialism was more preferential to people than conservatism then conservatives, would have, by empirical necessity, embraced socialism.

But that is not what happened. It didn't happen in North Korea or Russia or Venezuela or any other country where socialism was tried. So Conservatism won the game of History in the early 1990s. If any future peoples wanted to build a strong and prosperous and happy society then the playbook on how to do it was written. The only problem is that winning at a game and being on the top are two different things. Conservatism has no inherent purpose other than to ensure a free, prosperous, and happy people.

The United States, the leader of the conservative movement, ultimately made these three goals (freedom/prosperity/pursuit of happiness) into one- Materialism. In the Civil War it was recognized that the South was outclassed due to the material strength of the North. This led, later, to America eventually crushing the Axis powers by being the arsenal of democracy. The elites knew that modern warfare wasn't about battles it was about logistics and supplies. The Soviets and Americans both defined,  in the ensuing cold war, the fundamental race was a competition to secure material prosperity for their people. The Soviet collective simply could not keep pace with the animal spirits of entrepreneurialism found in the West.

But now that the champ has been declared, the core philosophy of conservatism- materialism- is vacuous. It offers no purpose with out an enemy. Lobbing $10 million dollar missiles randomly into a vast desert through the decades against terrorists is emblematic of this pointlessness. Simply to buy more stuff- is the only answer that conservatives can offer. It is the only offer that materialism will allow.

Enter the lost youth and liberalism. God was subordinated to materialism (just listen to a country singer crow about Sunday night football). Liberalism is all about purpose. Healthcare, free stuff, rights, drugs etc. you name it and it will provide that name with a purpose. The youth are always searching for purpose. It is small wonder that the it chooses liberalism (hug a tree!) over conservatism (buy more stuff!). Conservatives, being the students of history that we are need to recognize this. We need to recognize that Conservatism won history but it will not be sustained unless it also provides a philosophy.

More to follow

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Water on Mars

There is liquid water on Mars. This is truly a tremendous discovery. The news media doesn't really appreciate what this means. It basically is a count down to answering the question- is humanity alone in the universe.

My grad work was in genetics and I've taken a few astrobiology courses, minor creds I know but I can say this- there are scientists around the world now trying to devise life detection technologies in martian soil. The reason is this- IF there is life (even microbial) discovered in the water of Mars then the galaxy is pulsating with all types of life forms. On the other hand, IF there isn't any microbes found in the Martian sediment then life on Earth is very, very special. The reason is that earth and mars have been cross fertilizing each other since the planets were created 4.5 billion years ago. A meterorite strikes earth or mars, ejects rocks/bacteria, into space and over time some will land with microbes onto mars.

It is probable that if there is liquid water on Mars then at some time during the last 4-4.5 billion years bacteria would have been exposed to that water. Long story short, bacteria can pretty much survive anywhere where there is liquid water.

So...if no bacteria is found in the liquid water on mars then that is a very very profound statement about the special conditions needed for life to exist here on earth. Perhaps earth is the only inhabitable planet in the galaxy and wouldn't it be a shame if we nuked each other to extinction. OR if life is found then the galaxy is probably some kind of Star Wars filled planetarium with a Star Trek prime directive in place.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Completely Change Government with this one Weird Trick

Political systems evolve, like dying suns, to keep their success burning for as long as possible. Republican Rome to Imperial Rome, and Great Britain to Imperial Britannica.

One mechanism to sustain the Republican form of governance for a period of time would be to rebalance the power of the government by moving all Federal Departments, except the Department of Defense, from under the Executive Branch to the Legislative Branch.

The Legislative Branch (Congress) has a few agencies under it already to support it. Given that a vast amount of power has been abrogated to the Federal Departments moving them back under the purview of Congress would do a couple of things:

1. Make Departments far more accountable to the will of the people. This is obvious. If a persons employment is directly dependent upon Congress then they'll be far more thoughtful and deliberate with their 'customer' (American people) than under the executive. Imagine dealing with the IRS or HHS with them knowing that a letter to a congress person in their district could upend their careers.

2. Allow for deeper and more extensive oversight and investigation into misconduct. Obtaining state department emails would be a lot easier if congress possessed the power the purse and the power to hire/fire the persons it oversees.

The best part is that it wouldn't take a constitutional convention but mere legislative enactment. Unfortunately the founders messed up when they thought the legislative branch would jealously guard its power from the executive. They didn't forsee the power in relinquishing your power to win an election. This is clearly evident from the current congress "we are only 1/2 of 1/3 of the government" or "we can't do anything because of Obama".

Kapos in Charge

Boehner and Mitch and the long line of supposed conservatives (save Reagan) are but Kapos. This is a term applied to Jewish guards in Jewish concentration camps. Basically lap dogs for the SS who used it as a means for total ubiquitous control of the generic prisoner (conservative). I propose that Rhino is too soft a designation for a group of people that work more furiously against 'the crazies' than the fascists.

Below from Wiki:

These people are not Rhinos but Kapos (below of wiki). This is far more accurate a term for Republicans like Boehner and Mitch.

Historian Karin Orth writes, "There was hardly a measure of the SS so perfidious as its attempt to delegate the implementation of terror and violence to the victims."[1]

"The concentration camp system owed its stability in no small way to a cadre of kapos, who took over the daily operations of the camp, relieving the SS personnel. Thus, absolute power was ubiquitous. Without the delegation of power, the system of discipline and supervision would have promptly disintegrated. The rivalry over supervisory, administrative and warehouse functionary jobs was, for the SS, just a welcome opportunity to pit groups of prisoners against each other and keep them dependent. The normal prisoner, however, was at the mercy of a dual authority, the SS, who often hardly seemed to be at the camp, and the prisoner functionaries, who were always there."
—Eugen Kogon, concentration camp survivor[16]

Monday, September 21, 2015

Conservatives should give away goodies too.

Liberals are the Mommies and Conservatives are the Daddies. The average American is being promised so many free things from the Libs that they wait for it like the next iphone. Free college, meh, what's next? Conservatives are seen as the rich dudes hogging it all as they fly around the country to their gulf clubs. But what about...

1. A promise of 1 year of no income tax. Say you'll pay for it by getting rid of Obamacare and the stimulus from increased sales. If the Fed can print $80 billion a month I am sure we can survive 12 months of not taxing people who make $50K a year. And then imagine trying to implement the income tax again. Also, use the 12 months to switch over to the fair tax.

2. A refund for all agencies that are cut. Heck I don't know, lets say $100 bucks to everyone over 18 if we downsize (code for get rid of) the department of education. Throw in EPA and Homeland SS and you might make it up to $500 bucks. Considering the cost saving from the reduction and the increased productivity this would be too much fun.

3. All interest payments to the Federal Reserve banks will be directed to the American people. Why does a private group of people get to print their own money and charge the American people interest again? This should temper speculative investment of 'free money'. I guess. I don't really understand economics thats why I listen to Ron Paul.

4. Every candidate running for Office will be required to pose for a full frontal and posterior nudity photoshoot. No I don't really care to see Ginsberg in the buff butt...can you imagine how our elected leaders would treat us knowing we got them in their birthday suit. In all seriousness...this is our government and this is our system. If we want elected leaders to sing a happy tune on a harmonica and serve us milk and cookies we should have that right. Our treating these people like demi-gods is out of control. Also, maybe we would have better looking candidates.

For Whom the Bell Tolls- It tolls for thee Hillary!

Hillary is doomed. And here are the four reason why-

1. A clear crime has been committed (intentionally stored classified info on a private server). She committed the intelligence equivalent of blaspheming the holy spirit. Short of actually handing the secrets over to adversary ... this is bad and I'll leave it at that.

2. The elites and assistants to the elites know that #1 has happened. This is the real problem. Remember Sandy Berger? He served as the United States National Security Advisor for President Bill Clinton from March 14, 1997 until January 20, 2001. For stuffing some papers in his pants he
was fined $50,000 and sentenced to serve two years of probation and 100 hours of community service, and stripped of his security clearance for 3 years. Now...Clinton's actions are far more serious...and in a post Sept 11 world...well it can't be ignored. Middle managers will claim 'the Hilary defense' anytime there is a breach of security. So...there needs to be a fall guy.

3. There is no fall guy. Thats the third problem. The guy that set up the server has pleaded the one, two, three, four, FIFTH! Which sets the prosecution train in motion.

4. Because it can't be overlooked and there has to be a fall guy and there isn't this story can't end itself. So only Hillary's abandonment of her campaign, followed by years of back page stories of legal wrangling will satiate The Establishment.


Hillary will bow out of the race by December 2015. Biden will take her place. Biden might choose Elizabeth Warren as VEEP.

Remember The Establishment is obsessed with intelligence (think skull and bones/secrety societies/masons etc.). Hillary committed a major party foul and they want to her to go back to the hills of Arkansas.

How to Crush Liberalism

Language. I could write a book on it. The key to crushing the left is language.

How do you crush liberalism?

Object to every label as either racist, sexist, or hetero/homophobic. The words Black and White should not be used. As is publicly declared- there is no such thing as race. Any attempt to alter or switch to afro-american or latino american should be declared racist. There is only one political entity- the American People. Any attempt to describe or highlight a persons sex should be declared sexist be it male or female.

This removes the fundamental building block of social theory which is class warfare. With out the ability to ascribe and define elements there can be no movement of those defined classes into the pens the liberals want to place them in.

Imagine a news reporter on CNN trying to commentate on a 'black-lives matter' demonstration when they and the demonstrators are decried as racist for the use of black as a label of racial definition. The media would fall mute anytime a person threw up a racial fowl for the use of any race defining label- since race doesn't exist.

If the media or opponents then tried to say that race does exist the retort would be 'only because you use such racist labeling'. Or when it comes to immigration and they claim racism for deporting illegal aliens. They must be challenged to only report on immigrants from South American countries- not latinos.  This would then define the context for the reason to deport illegals from another country and not based upon racial lables- since race does not exist. 

I am sure some political agitator with tall buildings behind them will say 'well try telling that to the youth in the ghetto getting slammed to the ground by police that it doesn't exist.' The retort should be 'calling them imaginary names isn't going to help!'

The reason that language is so important to the left is that the left is driven entirely by context and language is used to construct human context. I could explain why the right fails but that is for another blog.