There is liquid water on Mars. This is truly a tremendous discovery. The news media doesn't really appreciate what this means. It basically is a count down to answering the question- is humanity alone in the universe.
My grad work was in genetics and I've taken a few astrobiology courses, minor creds I know but I can say this- there are scientists around the world now trying to devise life detection technologies in martian soil. The reason is this- IF there is life (even microbial) discovered in the water of Mars then the galaxy is pulsating with all types of life forms. On the other hand, IF there isn't any microbes found in the Martian sediment then life on Earth is very, very special. The reason is that earth and mars have been cross fertilizing each other since the planets were created 4.5 billion years ago. A meterorite strikes earth or mars, ejects rocks/bacteria, into space and over time some will land with microbes onto mars.
It is probable that if there is liquid water on Mars then at some time during the last 4-4.5 billion years bacteria would have been exposed to that water. Long story short, bacteria can pretty much survive anywhere where there is liquid water.
So...if no bacteria is found in the liquid water on mars then that is a very very profound statement about the special conditions needed for life to exist here on earth. Perhaps earth is the only inhabitable planet in the galaxy and wouldn't it be a shame if we nuked each other to extinction. OR if life is found then the galaxy is probably some kind of Star Wars filled planetarium with a Star Trek prime directive in place.
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