Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Water on Mars

There is liquid water on Mars. This is truly a tremendous discovery. The news media doesn't really appreciate what this means. It basically is a count down to answering the question- is humanity alone in the universe.

My grad work was in genetics and I've taken a few astrobiology courses, minor creds I know but I can say this- there are scientists around the world now trying to devise life detection technologies in martian soil. The reason is this- IF there is life (even microbial) discovered in the water of Mars then the galaxy is pulsating with all types of life forms. On the other hand, IF there isn't any microbes found in the Martian sediment then life on Earth is very, very special. The reason is that earth and mars have been cross fertilizing each other since the planets were created 4.5 billion years ago. A meterorite strikes earth or mars, ejects rocks/bacteria, into space and over time some will land with microbes onto mars.

It is probable that if there is liquid water on Mars then at some time during the last 4-4.5 billion years bacteria would have been exposed to that water. Long story short, bacteria can pretty much survive anywhere where there is liquid water.

So...if no bacteria is found in the liquid water on mars then that is a very very profound statement about the special conditions needed for life to exist here on earth. Perhaps earth is the only inhabitable planet in the galaxy and wouldn't it be a shame if we nuked each other to extinction. OR if life is found then the galaxy is probably some kind of Star Wars filled planetarium with a Star Trek prime directive in place.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Completely Change Government with this one Weird Trick

Political systems evolve, like dying suns, to keep their success burning for as long as possible. Republican Rome to Imperial Rome, and Great Britain to Imperial Britannica.

One mechanism to sustain the Republican form of governance for a period of time would be to rebalance the power of the government by moving all Federal Departments, except the Department of Defense, from under the Executive Branch to the Legislative Branch.

The Legislative Branch (Congress) has a few agencies under it already to support it. Given that a vast amount of power has been abrogated to the Federal Departments moving them back under the purview of Congress would do a couple of things:

1. Make Departments far more accountable to the will of the people. This is obvious. If a persons employment is directly dependent upon Congress then they'll be far more thoughtful and deliberate with their 'customer' (American people) than under the executive. Imagine dealing with the IRS or HHS with them knowing that a letter to a congress person in their district could upend their careers.

2. Allow for deeper and more extensive oversight and investigation into misconduct. Obtaining state department emails would be a lot easier if congress possessed the power the purse and the power to hire/fire the persons it oversees.

The best part is that it wouldn't take a constitutional convention but mere legislative enactment. Unfortunately the founders messed up when they thought the legislative branch would jealously guard its power from the executive. They didn't forsee the power in relinquishing your power to win an election. This is clearly evident from the current congress "we are only 1/2 of 1/3 of the government" or "we can't do anything because of Obama".

Kapos in Charge

Boehner and Mitch and the long line of supposed conservatives (save Reagan) are but Kapos. This is a term applied to Jewish guards in Jewish concentration camps. Basically lap dogs for the SS who used it as a means for total ubiquitous control of the generic prisoner (conservative). I propose that Rhino is too soft a designation for a group of people that work more furiously against 'the crazies' than the fascists.

Below from Wiki:

These people are not Rhinos but Kapos (below of wiki). This is far more accurate a term for Republicans like Boehner and Mitch.

Historian Karin Orth writes, "There was hardly a measure of the SS so perfidious as its attempt to delegate the implementation of terror and violence to the victims."[1]

"The concentration camp system owed its stability in no small way to a cadre of kapos, who took over the daily operations of the camp, relieving the SS personnel. Thus, absolute power was ubiquitous. Without the delegation of power, the system of discipline and supervision would have promptly disintegrated. The rivalry over supervisory, administrative and warehouse functionary jobs was, for the SS, just a welcome opportunity to pit groups of prisoners against each other and keep them dependent. The normal prisoner, however, was at the mercy of a dual authority, the SS, who often hardly seemed to be at the camp, and the prisoner functionaries, who were always there."
—Eugen Kogon, concentration camp survivor[16]

Monday, September 21, 2015

Conservatives should give away goodies too.

Liberals are the Mommies and Conservatives are the Daddies. The average American is being promised so many free things from the Libs that they wait for it like the next iphone. Free college, meh, what's next? Conservatives are seen as the rich dudes hogging it all as they fly around the country to their gulf clubs. But what about...

1. A promise of 1 year of no income tax. Say you'll pay for it by getting rid of Obamacare and the stimulus from increased sales. If the Fed can print $80 billion a month I am sure we can survive 12 months of not taxing people who make $50K a year. And then imagine trying to implement the income tax again. Also, use the 12 months to switch over to the fair tax.

2. A refund for all agencies that are cut. Heck I don't know, lets say $100 bucks to everyone over 18 if we downsize (code for get rid of) the department of education. Throw in EPA and Homeland SS and you might make it up to $500 bucks. Considering the cost saving from the reduction and the increased productivity this would be too much fun.

3. All interest payments to the Federal Reserve banks will be directed to the American people. Why does a private group of people get to print their own money and charge the American people interest again? This should temper speculative investment of 'free money'. I guess. I don't really understand economics thats why I listen to Ron Paul.

4. Every candidate running for Office will be required to pose for a full frontal and posterior nudity photoshoot. No I don't really care to see Ginsberg in the buff butt...can you imagine how our elected leaders would treat us knowing we got them in their birthday suit. In all seriousness...this is our government and this is our system. If we want elected leaders to sing a happy tune on a harmonica and serve us milk and cookies we should have that right. Our treating these people like demi-gods is out of control. Also, maybe we would have better looking candidates.

For Whom the Bell Tolls- It tolls for thee Hillary!

Hillary is doomed. And here are the four reason why-

1. A clear crime has been committed (intentionally stored classified info on a private server). She committed the intelligence equivalent of blaspheming the holy spirit. Short of actually handing the secrets over to adversary ... this is bad and I'll leave it at that.

2. The elites and assistants to the elites know that #1 has happened. This is the real problem. Remember Sandy Berger? He served as the United States National Security Advisor for President Bill Clinton from March 14, 1997 until January 20, 2001. For stuffing some papers in his pants he
was fined $50,000 and sentenced to serve two years of probation and 100 hours of community service, and stripped of his security clearance for 3 years. Now...Clinton's actions are far more serious...and in a post Sept 11 world...well it can't be ignored. Middle managers will claim 'the Hilary defense' anytime there is a breach of security. So...there needs to be a fall guy.

3. There is no fall guy. Thats the third problem. The guy that set up the server has pleaded the one, two, three, four, FIFTH! Which sets the prosecution train in motion.

4. Because it can't be overlooked and there has to be a fall guy and there isn't this story can't end itself. So only Hillary's abandonment of her campaign, followed by years of back page stories of legal wrangling will satiate The Establishment.


Hillary will bow out of the race by December 2015. Biden will take her place. Biden might choose Elizabeth Warren as VEEP.

Remember The Establishment is obsessed with intelligence (think skull and bones/secrety societies/masons etc.). Hillary committed a major party foul and they want to her to go back to the hills of Arkansas.

How to Crush Liberalism

Language. I could write a book on it. The key to crushing the left is language.

How do you crush liberalism?

Object to every label as either racist, sexist, or hetero/homophobic. The words Black and White should not be used. As is publicly declared- there is no such thing as race. Any attempt to alter or switch to afro-american or latino american should be declared racist. There is only one political entity- the American People. Any attempt to describe or highlight a persons sex should be declared sexist be it male or female.

This removes the fundamental building block of social theory which is class warfare. With out the ability to ascribe and define elements there can be no movement of those defined classes into the pens the liberals want to place them in.

Imagine a news reporter on CNN trying to commentate on a 'black-lives matter' demonstration when they and the demonstrators are decried as racist for the use of black as a label of racial definition. The media would fall mute anytime a person threw up a racial fowl for the use of any race defining label- since race doesn't exist.

If the media or opponents then tried to say that race does exist the retort would be 'only because you use such racist labeling'. Or when it comes to immigration and they claim racism for deporting illegal aliens. They must be challenged to only report on immigrants from South American countries- not latinos.  This would then define the context for the reason to deport illegals from another country and not based upon racial lables- since race does not exist. 

I am sure some political agitator with tall buildings behind them will say 'well try telling that to the youth in the ghetto getting slammed to the ground by police that it doesn't exist.' The retort should be 'calling them imaginary names isn't going to help!'

The reason that language is so important to the left is that the left is driven entirely by context and language is used to construct human context. I could explain why the right fails but that is for another blog.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Scott Walker Collapse and the Order in Which They Will Fall

Scott Walker is polling zero in a new national poll. The CNN/ORC poll released on Sunday showed him getting less than 1% of the vote. The only reason Scott Walker was polling so high in July (near 20%) was because of his national name recognition for fighting and winning against Wisconsin state liberals. But...after two debates I can't name a single thing he believes in. The grunt conservatives I talk to liked him at first but then found others more attractive. In short, Scott Walker had the ball but lost it when he stood on the debate stage and looked like a frat boy with no clue and no plan. He's nice enough and you would like to hang out with him but...we want to crush our enemies see them driven before us and hear the lamentation of the liberal media.

So first Perry and now Walker (not counting Gilmore/Jindal/other low pol/kid's table debaters).

Who's next?


In order of when they'll drop to nothing in the polls...

1. Ben Carson has had his moment. The whole 'Muslims can't be president comment' has finished him. And like Rand, he's a doctor, I am sure he's smart but really, who cares. We all know that having an IQ above 120 is all that is needed to do anything you want in this world. Ben could be punching above 140 but that is probably true of Hilary as well. As well as every other ivy league communist professor. His being a neurosurgeon actually hurts him. And his 'I'll find out and I can learn' attitude works for all of about 2 months, he can't keep saying 'I'll find out'. The people that like Ben are afraid of Trump. His supporters will be up for grabs for awhile. If Rubio stops sounding like a machine gun they'll probably go to Rubio.

2. Kasich is a bust but he's too proud to say it (and he needs to keep his good name for the post race t.v. appearances). Also, he just got into the Race at the end of July and managed to snag a spot at the grown up debate table with out even trying. But Kasich is like Huckabee, we all know they aren't serious about winning, and after the 2nd debate it's clear Kasich is just like Jeb but someone "I would like to hug" as my, ehem, wife said. I agree. Kasich looks like he'd be a great grandpa but nobody cares what he did in Ohio and he really just wants to fiddle with the knobs of the massive American policy machine.

3. I had to google 'governor of new jersey' to remember Chris Christie. The whole schtick of 'put the camera on the people' and 'nobody cares about your records' and really him jumping up and down at Texas stadium well...Sopranos and Jersey Shore are long over.

4. Huckabee is definitely not going to make it. Great speaker. Another good grandpa but...his failure to get mad at the 2nd debate shows that he isn't serious. The can't-we-all-get-along type attitude he embraced is nice but when you are in a debate and a national race for the presidency the answer is - no we can't. But he is rolling the dice that Iowa will get him the push that he needs. Or at least the attention that he craves. But he doesn't have money and he looks entirely too happy and refreshed to be working hard to win. Still, he is the quintisential social conservative, and he might be willing to highlight that before he exits stage right and keep his campaign in the sun for a little be longer.

5. Rand...Ron's echo (the first t-partier). We all know he is right,  But he's a doctor! Not even a real doctor, he's an eye doctor. Making him president would feel like we are putting McCoy's assistant in charge of the Enterprise. Also, sigh, he totally fell for McConnell and the allure of power when he went to washington. Alas he could not bear the ring of power. But his performance at the second half of the second debate was eloquent. I think it was brought out by the pain of him knowing he'll never be president. Also, in the end, I think he is totally content being a senator.

6. Marco Rubio. He is working hard. We like that. He wants to win, he's young. But, he's too young. It's like a rookie quarterback winning the superbowl. It just shouldn't be that easy. Yea, Obama did it but that's easy when you have the media in your hands. He'll get no credibility for being Hispanic. The whole immigration thing is a debacle for him. And I don't really know what he believes in. Like Chris Christie said 'lets be willing to talk about the things we would shut down the government over'. I don't think there is anything he'd be willing to shut down the government over.

7. Jeb Bush. He's got money and he'll keep in it because he has support in Texas to keep him in the 5-6 percent range. But as soon as he bombs in Iowa its back to Florida.

8. Cruz. Sigh. I keep telling everyone I know that he's the real deal but his voice and demeanor makes him hard to fall in love with. Cruz has money so he'll be in it for awhile. He could find a track that accelerates him to high orbit. The window of opportunity will be in December and January when the other candidates are gasping for air time as the debates will be over and the funding for national coverage will have to be paid by either gaffs or from their own pockets.

9. Carly Fiorina. She's ready to go to war. Like Rubio, she got hungry somewhere in life, and knows how to work. There is very little chance she'll implode during the debates, and she'll start to swell with women voters and foreign policy hawks. The Establishment will certainly support her. Look for The Establishment to toss Jeb and promote Carly. And being the only female will keep her unique among the others. She'll stay 2-3 in the polls and won't go far in the primaries. Afterall, in Iowa will they mark the box for Carly over Huck? Unless...Carly comes up with a t-party promise (e.g. flat tax/fair tax/abolish IRS) and promises to tear up Obamacare and deport at least some illegals. BTW any republican that is elected president and doesn't end Obamacare will effectively end the party.

10. Trump. Actually Trump could go out much sooner. Not because of polls but because, well he's old and rich and who really needs this crap? I get the sense that Trump really would rather someone else do what he is doing, was surprised that he is leading in the polls, and might turn Ross Perot on us. His ego is keeping him in check though but he looks like a sprinter in a marathon race. It's hard to imagine his hair after 4 or 8 years in office.

The Weaknesses of Trump the Tragic Hero.

Trump. Where did this hero come from and how will he fall? The media is enthralled with Trump. They may hate or love him but they can't stop talking about him. First: where did Trump come from? Answer: he is constructed from the economic optimism of Reagan, Yankee (New England Protestant) view of race,  and social pragmatic views of contemporary middle class america. He is harnessing the t-party spirit of rebellion to win the primary and then hope for a 50/50 chance to win the general election.

His priority is on winning. This is how he is able to eject the criticism of possible past cronyism of paying politicians for political favors. In that context, as a businessman, in order to win he had to do that. But as the head of the American Country he will seek to win for America and will prioritize America over other ideological priorities.

And so what is America to Trump? It would be a country with massive increase in productivity, wealth, and energy. His vision is based upon the nostalgia of the 80s (aren't we all?). Social issues such as abortion, and planned parenthood are secondary or tertiary behind foreign policy.

His spirit is much like my relatives in communist controlled Poland. During that time they were the best communists. But when Poland became capitalist, my relatives became the best capitalists. He is like this to a large extent but his core crystal spirit is built on succeeding. It is not based on capitalism per se. Rather he knows the secret sauce to make the economy expand and to create wealth. And he can't wait to win so that he can start implementing it.

He sees politicians as hack leaders who don't really know how to get themselves dressed in the morning.

So how will he be defeated? What are his weaknesses? He has 4.

1. There is a 30% chance that someone else will become more attractive. After all, Trump has near universal name recognition and full exposure but is still only at 35% in the polls. Clearly other republicans have attraction to other candidates. The only ones that have a chance beside Trump, are Fiorina, Cruz, and Rubio. Long story short Jeb has the funding but the electorate would rather vote Obama a third term than elect another Bush. Fiorina is good but she is, at her core, a politician, unless she can propose something radical (e.g. abolish the IRS) then she'll likely be constrained to 15%-20%. Rubio is the real wild card, if he can rediscover his t-party roots he could be a major threat. But chances are the immigration hand he played is all jacked up (amnesty!) and people just can't swallow it now. If Cruz had a deeper voice he'd be the favorite. Kind of silly I know but so is life.

2. People tire of the weekly name calling. I know I am already getting tired of it. When I think that I might have to endure it for four or eight years I think I'll just scream "make it stop! make it stop!" This is one area where the Media has control that it hasn't yet (but soon will) realize. It isn't so much what trump says its that we have to constantly hear about it. Conservatives love that the lib media (Megyn K included) are enraged that they haven't had Trump grovelling before some victim. They are supposed to have that kind of power. Some candidate says something 'offensive' the media then shames that candidate into begging forgiveness. The conservative grass roots get it. The problem is that even though conservatives are fine with the media having their heads explode at not getting a 'cowed' Trump...they don't know that we will get sick of the drama.

PREDICTION ALERT: Trump will remain in the lead into January of 2016 and then the Political Press will start to say "Well, I guess this is the kind of thing we could be seeing from a President Trump. What if he insults world leaders? What if they go to war over something he said?" This could lose him the general election.

3. The Establishment (Elite/Yankee/Protestants) will break the rules. Keep in mind that The Establishment has never ever lost. They didn't lose the American Revolution, They didn't lose the Civil War. They did convert to socialism after America lost in Vietnam but they didn't lose their power. Reagan was a minor bump, like an engine that overheated they brought it quickly under control with George Bush Senior. How could the establishment break the rules?


If Trump wins the primary election and the other nominee for the democrats (Hillary or Biden or Omalley) The Establishment could withdraw their financial and organizational support from Trump. The Establishment would, by far, rather see Hilary win than Trump. Hilary is moving around the monopoly board, Trump wants to play a different game. In March of 2016 if Trump wins the early primaries look for Trump to start complaining about lack of financial support and organizational support from the RNC.

4. He backs away from being Trump. Anything that tempers his policy or seems like he won't repeal Obamacare or stop illegal immigration. This isn't likely. He is very weak on same sex marriage. His use of the phrase "Law of the land" to justify the jailing of Wendy Davis is being overlooked for now. Huckabee could launch broadsides into Trump if he wanted but he doesn't. So could Cruz, but Donald pretty much owns Cruz right now. Cruz should have kept his distance and moved into Donald with Social issues but too late now. The base is willing to overlook social issues because it knows that if Donald really is serious about deporting illegal immigrants the 500 year arc of social history will have been broken. And then anything is possible.